
Why clinical rehabilitation is crucial for your recovery.

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Rio Filgueira

Operations Manager

Rio Filgueira

Rio is our Operations Manager and works tirelessly behind the scenes to ensure the seamless day-to-day running of Kinematics. Born and raised in Argentina, Rio holds a Bachelor’s degree in Tourism Administration and he is currently pursuing studies in Myotherapy. Rio’s journey into the healthcare industry began with his own experiences as a competitive long-distance runner, where sports injuries sparked his passion for health and wellbeing.

With a diverse background in health, fitness, and hand therapy education, Rio excels at exploring innovative ideas and enhancing services for our community. Passionate about educating others on the importance of health and wellbeing, he thrives in the dynamic environment of healthcare practitioners at Kinematics.

When he’s not busy at work or studying, you can find Rio rock climbing, weightlifting, or running. If you spot him around the clinic, don’t hesitate to say “hola”!

Rio Filgueira